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The Brotherhood Synagogue, located on Gramercy Park, is the largest Jewish congregation in downtown New York City. We are an independent, progressive community which follows the Conservative tradition. This combination allows us to honor the spiritual and ethical heritage of our Jewish faith and to celebrate the deep commitment and wide diversity of our membership.

Brotherhood is a very special place. Its beautiful, warm and welcoming atmosphere provides a home for our many synagogue activities: meaningful spaces for prayer and for celebrations, education for children of all ages, classes for adults, social outreach and other programs which support and enhance our community.

Services at Brotherhood are conducted in the Conservative tradition, and we strongly encourage congregational involvement and equal participation of men and women. Following our Shabbat services, we host an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush, which offers a friendly setting to meet and engage with other members. Our doors are always open to those from the greater community who may wish to pray. Upon arrival, you will always find an outstretched hand and a warm smile to welcome you.

Please visit us anytime! We are here to meet your needs and we believe you’ll like what you find here.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784